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The Confessions of an Astronomer

My insight


A Little About Me

My name is Anagh Nag Puranik and I'm 9 years old. This website contains my knowledge of Astronomy. Enjoy!

The Sun and The Moon

A few facts about the Sun and Moon


And Even More!

The Sun

The sun is a giant ball of hot gases. (It is not a giant fireball) (Well Kinda) That heats our planet. The Sun's surface is 10,000 degrees hot! One day, our planet would melt.


The Moon {Luna}

The Moon is the brightest object in the night sky, but if you look at the Earth from The Moon, the Earth will look brighter because it is more reflective than The Moon. The Moon is not the biggest in The Solar System (The biggest moon in The Solar System is Ganymede) One day, Earth's companion will leave us.

The Milky Way

The Milky Way is a galaxy. Actually, it is the second biggest galaxy in the cluster. Andromeda is the biggest. There is a supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy. There will be a end to the Milky Way one day.


Contact Me

190 Arcadia Ave.

I don't have a businesssie business

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