How advanced is humanity? Let’s measure that on the Kardashev scale. Our type is below type 1. This is pretty low. Type one is harvesting all of the earth’s energy. Even natural disasters could be a form of energy for us. For type two, we would harvest energy of the entire solar system or at least The Sun. After all, The Sun is 99.98% of The Solar System. We could build a Matrioshka Brain to get to type two. Which is a giant computer using the power of the sun. There are many other ways too. Type three is harvesting energy of the entire galaxy. we could just build a bunch of Matrioshka Brains all over the galaxy or placing settlements on other planets. Type four and five is about harvesting energy from the entire universe. And there are even more types there too.
What If, "What if we were a type three civilization, ', youtube, "Feb. 13, 2021."

Good work Anagh. Very informative and keep going👍
Wow! Something new!👍
very very nice Krishna